Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sister friend wedding~~

Last saturday which was 2/10/10, my sister bring us attend her friend wedding which located at Sungai Siput.

We depart from house at 12.30pm...huh we are late because my sister went to salon and wash her hair lol~~~

My stomach keep calling not because of hungry but because stomached due to i ate too much petai the day before. What a good day attend people wedding stomached sigh.

Sister and the bridge~~she super slim neh

I don't know this call what~~

Take picture without me ><

Here the bridegroom arrived~~~

Their cultural bit same like chinese~~Got Bro gang and sister gang

DA~~~LA~~~Here are them

Place for them to eat~~~special seat~~have juice whole chicken~~yummy^^

OOOO~~look at their expression~~haha the wind too strong until the flower also drop

Here the normal picture~~haha

Her sarong almost drop cz the wind too strong~~going to rain heavily that time

We get 4 pack of the cute packet which include some kuih and biscuit and beautiful vase inside~~ Thanks Ya Bridge

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